
Restart Energy has completed two photovoltaic projects for Aquaserv, totaling over €600,000

The projects equate to a reduction in energy costs of over €210,000 per year for the beneficiary company.

  • The investment will pay for itself in about 3 years;
  • The panels are located both on the roof and on the ground, on a total area of 11,332 square meters;
  • Photovoltaic plants with a combined capacity of 928 kWp produce 1096 MWh annually;
  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by over 361 tons per year and radioactive waste by 3.4 kg per year;
  • Restart Energy has so far completed more than 150 photovoltaic projects and more than 50 MW installed with the capacity to produce 20.54 GWh and avoided 13,411 tons of CO2 emissions.

Bucharest, Timisoara, June 2024. Restart Energy completed the construction and installation of two
photovoltaic power plants for the company Aquaserv, totaling more than 600.000 euro.
The beneficiary’s investment will be amortized in about 3 years.
The projects have a combined capacity of 928 kWp and were installed both on the roof and on the ground in localitatea Tulcea.

The two photovoltaic plants consist of 1703 panels covering a total area of
11.332 square meters. The panels will produce a total of 1096 MWh of energy per year, saving
energy costs of more than €210,000 per year for the beneficiary company.
The solar panels reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by about 361
tons per year and radioactive waste by 3.4 kg per year.

The reduction of carbon emissions by implementing solar energy projects will be
monitored through the RED platform, implemented in 2021, a marketplace dedicated to calculating
carbon footprint, reducing carbon emissions through sustainability projects or
offsets. Green attributes, both those obtained for sustainable actions
and carbon credits, can be sold internally through the platform’s market places
RED, through a technologized, transparent, and secure process dedicated to reducing carbon
and improve ESG policies.

“Investing in PV panels means a significant reduction in operational costs,
especially for those companies that by the nature of their business are high energy consumers.
We aim to expand our own energy generation capacity, both for the benefit
immediate financial benefit and because we want to act responsibly in relation to the environment.
environment and support a green future, says Valentin C. Ifrim, Aquaserv CEO

“Through our sustainable energy projects we provide essential support to our partners and customers
in building an effective resilience strategy in a volatile business environment. Our mission
Our mission is to reduce energy costs and red tape so that our partners
our partners enjoy the benefits of increased energy efficiency and the positive effects of
decarbonization. In this way we contribute to the sustainable growth and development of business
their growth and development”, says Armand Domuța, CEO & Founder Restart Energy.
Restart Energy has ensured for the beneficiary company the entire project of efficiency
from consultancy and design to implementation.

In January 2021, Restart Energy signed a partnership with the American fund Interlink Capital
Strategies in Washington DC to finance the development of 500 MW of renewable projects
in Romania by 2025, in order to supply 100% locally produced green energy to all
end customers.

In February 2021, Restart Energy successfully launched the first issue of green bonds
convertible bonds in Romania that were listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with code REO26.
In June 2024, Restart Energy Group signed a connection contract with Transelectrica in
worth 56 million lei for a 500 MW photovoltaic park, which will result in over
200,000 households will be supplied with green energy. The photovoltaic park will produce
more than 800,000 MWh and will help reduce carbon emissions by about 400,000 tons per year.
per year, or 12 million tons of CO2 avoided, over the lifetime of the project,
worth more than $1 billion in environmental benefits.

Restart Energy recently received the Energy Transition Award from The Diplomat magazine,
Business Review’s Transformational Leadership Award and the Business Review’s Award for Excellence
in Energy, Entrepreneur Club.

Despre Aquaserv S.A.
Aquaserv S.A. is one of the most important Regional Operators in the field of public utilities services.
water supply and sewerage in Romania and the only regional operator licensed in the field in
Mures County. The company serves approximately 100,000 individuals and economic agents and
bills 3.7 million m3 of drinking water annually. With 26 years of experience on the market, Aquaserv SA
currently has over 430 employees and ended 2023 with a turnover of 41,127,620 lei.

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