Frequently Asked Questions

See our list below, or if you have a special question, please contact customer service.
Customer Support
What is the capped electricity price for household customers?
The capped price for household consumers between January 1, 2023 and March 31, 2025, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 357/2022 and GEO 192/2022 is:

- maximum 0.68 lei/kWh, including VAT, for:

1. customers whose monthly consumption is between 0 and 100 kWh inclusive;

2. customers at whose place of consumption live persons who use devices, appliances or medical equipment powered from the electrical network, necessary to carry out medical treatments based on confirmation from the specialist doctor and a request; for the month of January 2023, instead of the medical confirmation, a self-responsible declaration is submitted; the final capped invoiced price is applied from the first day of the month following the one in which the previously provided documents were submitted;

3. customers whose place of consumption is inhabited by people who use devices, appliances or medical equipment powered from the electrical network, necessary to carry out medical treatments based on confirmation from the specialist doctor and a request; for the month of January 2023, instead of the medical confirmation, a self-responsible declaration is submitted; the final capped invoiced price is applied from the first day of the month following the one in which the previously provided documents were submitted;

4. customers from single-parent families, who have at least one child up to the age of 18, based on an application and a self-responsibility declaration; the age limit is extended up to 26 years if the adult child follows a form of education; the capped final billed price is applied from the first day of the month following the one in which the previously provided documents were submitted.

- maximum 0.80 lei/kWh, including VAT, for customers whose monthly consumption at the place of consumption it is between 100.01 and 255 kWh; electricity consumption between 255 and 300 kWh/month is invoiced at a maximum price of 1.3 lei/kWh, including VAT, and if the consumption exceeds 300 kWh/month, the entire consumption is invoiced at a maximum price of 1, 3 lei/kWh;
- a maximum of 1.3 lei/kWh, including VAT, for customers who are not provided for in letter a) and b).
What is the capped price for non-domestic customers?
The capped price for non-domestic consumers, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 357/2022 and GEO 192/2022 is:

- maximum 1 leu/kWh, including VAT, for 85% of the monthly consumption made at the place of consumption, the difference in monthly electricity consumption to be invoiced at a maximum price of 1.3 lei/kWh, including VAT, based on the declaration on personal responsibility of the legal representative for the following categories of consumers:

1. small and medium enterprises, as defined in Law no. 346/2004 on stimulating the establishment and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, with subsequent amendments and additions, hereinafter referred to as SMEs;

2. regional operators/operators defined in art. 2 lit. g) and h) from the Law on community services of public utilities no. 51/2006, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, which render/provide the public utility services provided for in art. 1 paragraph (2) lit. a), b), b1), c) and h) from Law no. 51/2006, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, the Bucharest Metro Transport Company "Metrorex" - S.A., as well as the airports that are subordinated/coordinated or under the authority of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure

3. economic operators in the field of food industry, identified by CAEN code 10, as well as those in the field of agriculture and fishing, identified by CAEN code 01 and 03;

4. local public authorities and institutions, decentralized public services of ministries and other central bodies, companies and commercial companies of county, municipal or local interest, autonomous governments and all public and private entities that provide a public service, pursuant to the law, if they are established or organized at the level of communes, cities, municipalities, counties, the municipality of Bucharest and, as the case may be, at the level of administrative-territorial subdivisions of municipalities or at the level of inter-community development associations, under the leadership, coordination, control and responsibility of local public administration authorities;
5. the national research-development institutes, as defined by Government Ordinance no. 57/2002 regarding scientific research and technological development, approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 324/2003, with subsequent amendments and additions;

- maximum 1 leu/kWh, including VAT, for the full consumption of public and private hospitals defined according to Law no. 95/2006 regarding the reform in the field of health, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, of public and private educational units, defined according to the National Education Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions, as well as nurseries, public and private providers of social services provided in the Nomenclature of social services, approved by Government Decision no. 867/2015 for the approval of the Nomenclature of social services, as well as the framework regulations for the organization and operation of social services, with subsequent amendments and additions; The mentioned ceiling also applies to situations where one of the previously mentioned entities is the final beneficiary of electricity consumption and/or to all buildings that were built and authorized for the purpose of hospitals;

- maximum 1 leu/ kWh, with VAT included, for 85% of the monthly consumption, made at the place of consumption, for public institutions, other than those provided for in letter b), as well as for those belonging to the cults officially recognized in Romania, according to Law no. 489/2006 regarding religious freedom and the general regime of cults, republished; the difference in monthly electricity consumption is invoiced at a maximum price of 1.3 lei/kWh, including VAT;

- maximum 1.3 lei/kWh, including VAT, for non-household consumers who are not provided for to lit. needle).
What is the procedure for registering the self-reading index?
The period of transmission of the auto-read index is from the 25th to the 29th of each month. The transmission channels are: directly from the customer account, accessing the consumption administration-self-reading section, or through the answering machine, using the self-reading code.
What is the deadline for contesting an invoice?
According to the legislation in force, if you wish to dispute the value of an invoice, you must notify us within 30 calendar days of receipt of the invoice. The analysis of the appeal will be carried out within 5 working days from the date of registration, and if the resolution of the appeal involves the verification of the measured values, the term of 5 working days is extended by the time interval between the day when we communicate the verification request to the measuring operator of these contested values ​​and the day on which we receive the response from the distribution operator, provided that you notify us of this fact within the initial period of 5 business days.
When is the meter reading performed?
The meter is read periodically by the distribution operator who has the obligation to read the meter as follows:

- Non-domestic customers: 6 months
- Domestic customers: 3 months
- Prosumers: one month
What is the cogeneration fee on the bill?
The contribution for high-efficiency cogeneration represents an amount owed monthly by each electricity consumer, for the promotion and development of energy production in a high-efficiency cogeneration system, with the aim of increasing energy efficiency and improving the security of energy supply, on the energy market from Romania.
What do the green certificates on the invoice represent?
The green certificate is the title that certifies the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. The certificate can be traded, distinct from the amount of electricity it represents, on an organized market, under the terms of the law and represents the support scheme for promoting the production of energy from renewable sources.

The Romanian state supports energy investors green (renewable) through green certificates and by ensuring the legal framework for their commercialization. Currently, each MWh of green energy produced from renewable sources is rewarded with a number of green certificates. These green certificates are bought by electricity suppliers, the profile companies being obliged to have a certain share of renewable energy in the basket of electricity delivered to consumers.
What is the excise duty on the invoice?
Excise duty is a tax levied by the state on certain consumer goods, including electricity. The payment of the tax by the consumers is made through the consumption invoice, along with the payment of the counter value of the electricity consumed, and the transfer of excise duties to the state budget is made by the supplier.
Why is there an outstanding balance on the current invoice if the previous invoice has been paid?
The outstanding balance appears based on the current invoice if, on the date of its generation, the payment of the previous balance has not been made.
What is the settlement invoice?
The regularization invoice is issued based on the index read by the distribution operator, in the following month of consumption.
How is billing done for billing periods for which there is no index read by the distribution operator?
Invoicing is done based on the index read by the customer or based on the data from the consumer agreement.
What are the payment methods?
Please consult the page dedicated to the payment methods offered by Restart Energy by accessing the following link:
What is the refund procedure?
The request for the refund of the amount paid in advance can be sent through any communication channel in the contact section:

In the content of the request, it is necessary to mention the method of return: bank account or postal order, specifying the exact data, respectively the IBAN account, the account holder bank or mailing address.
How do I request the supply offer?
You can request the offer by filling in the data in the form dedicated to offer requests:
Does changing supplier involve costs?
Switching providers is free and does not involve additional costs.
Who handles the termination of the contract with the current supplier in the process of changing supplier?
The new supplier takes care of notifying the current supplier and the distribution operator of your decision to change supplier.
Are there interruptions in the electricity supply when changing the supplier?
The process of changing supplier does not involve the interruption of the electricity supply. The electricity distribution facility will not undergo any change as the distribution operator remains the same.
What is a prosumer?
For complete information we recommend you consult the Prosumer's Guide.

Prosumer's Guide
What is the procedure for changing the contract holder and when is it done?
The change of the owner of a supply contract is made in situations where the right of occupancy is obtained through the purchase, inheritance, rental, donation of a home or an already connected space, without the need for changes to the electrical installation.

For to change the owner, it is necessary to go through the contracting process, respectively: the request for the supply offer, the acceptance of the offer accompanied by the following documents:

- The identity document of the person making the change of owner;
- An invoice issued for the place of consumption in question;
- Declaration on one's own responsibility attesting to the ownership of a residential right, specifying its quality (owner/co-owner, sole heir, co-heir, spouse, tenant, customer life annuity beneficiary , but not limited to these, etc.) and, regarding the fact that there are no housing disputes regarding the space for which the conclusion of the contract is requested - declaration to be completed in the electricity contracting process;
- Certificate of death (in the situation where the administrative change is carried out as a result of the death of the contract holder).
What does POD mean?
POD is the abbreviation for "point of delivery" and designates a unique code for each measurement point and is automatically generated when a new measurement point is activated, based on the technical approval of the connection.

This can be found in the invoice annex of energy, under the mention "POD Code".
Where do I find the customer code?
The customer code can be found in the energy bill, on the first page, in the border with your data, under the mailing address.
How do I activate the electronic invoice?
You can activate the electronic invoice from the dedicated form: tbd
What does the temporary suspension of electricity supply entail?
The temporary suspension implies the temporary interruption of the electricity supply, at the customer's request, which involves the disconnection of the place of consumption and the maintenance of the electricity supply contract.