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 ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

We transform the world through clean energy and sustainable practices

We are dedicated to transforming the world through clean energy and sustainable practices. That's why we're committed to promoting sustainable practices and providing green energy solutions that help protect the planet. Our ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) program reflects our commitment to having a positive impact on the environment, community and economy.


Protecting the environment is at the heart of our activity. By providing renewable energy, we contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and combating climate change. We invest in advanced solar and wind energy technologies, promote energy efficiency and support natural resource conservation initiatives.


We care about the communities in which we operate. We work to create sustainable jobs and support local economic development. We run social and educational projects to support families and improve the quality of life. At Restart Energy, we ensure that every voice is heard and that every person has the opportunity to contribute to change.


Integrity and transparency are the core values ​​of our corporate governance. We are committed to the highest ethical standards in all our operations. We ensure responsible and transparent management, constantly monitoring our performance to improve and respond to the needs of our partners and customers.

Our commitment

By integrating ESG principles into all aspects of our company, we strive to create long-term value for customers, partners and communities. We are dedicated to building a sustainable future, where green energy is accessible to all and where our impact on the environment is minimized.

Social responsibility is part of the company's long-term strategy. Our activity has an impact on people's lives and that makes us responsible towards them and the environment.

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Change starts with each of us.

We are always looking for new initiatives to contribute to a greener and better future. If you have a humanitarian, social or sustainable project that needs funding, we'd love to hear about it. 

Write to us and share your vision on [email protected]
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