Complaints resolution

If you wish to submit a complaint or complaint, please download the attached form, fill it in with all the requested data and submit it using one of the following ways:
Physical submission, in writing, at the single point of contact in Timișoara, Doja Business Center, Strada Gheorghe Doja, No. 11, et. 2
Through the e-mail address: [email protected]
By fax to the number: 0356.414.173
By post, at Timișoara, Doja Business Center, Strada Gheorghe Doja, No. 11, et. 2
To see more information, you can study the attached complaints/complaints resolution procedure. You can also consult the Framework Procedure issued by ANRE, regarding the obligation of electricity and natural gas suppliers to resolve end customers' complaints, approved by ANRE order no. 16/18.03.2015.